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Hey you, dork in the tidy whities! Do you know what Layla Moore does to losers like you? Well you're about to find out. She pulls out your huge HUGE man panties! How humiliating! How could you ever be caught in something so pathetic?! She's going to rip them right up your asscrack, pull and yank on your thick waistband. She's going to pull so hard, she's going to yank them right over your head into an atomic wedgie! You know, she's so tall, an amazon at that, bet she could lift you up off the ground, couldn't she?? Chaffing your little cock and balls smooshed in your man panties! She'll str...
Hey you, dork in the tidy whities! Do you know what Layla Moore does to losers like you? Well you're about to find out. She pulls out your huge HUGE man panties! How humiliating! How could you ever be caught in something so pathetic?! She's going to rip them right up your asscrack, pull and yank on your thick waistband. She's going to pull so hard, she's going to yank them right over your head into an atomic wedgie! You know, she's so tall, an amazon at that, bet she could lift you up off the ground, couldn't she?? Chaffing your little cock and balls smooshed in your man panties! She'll str...
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