OK, OK, Lily Thai is back. You're right. I couldn't get enough of her either. She is really a smoker in more ways than one. After rolling around with her this second time I thought the sheets were going to catch on fire (and not from the cigarettes). Lily's legs were shaking and she was squirting, add smoke coming out of her mouth and cum going into it and you have a hard video to beat (yet easy to beat off to).
OK, OK, Lily Thai is back. You're right. I couldn't get enough of her either. She is really a smoker in more ways than one. After rolling around with her this second time I thought the sheets were going to catch on fire (and not from the cigarettes). Lily's legs were shaking and she was squirting, add smoke coming out of her mouth and cum going into it and you have a hard video to beat (yet easy to beat off to).