Tough Cory takes on Pandora...this fall begins
with Pandora and Cory slapping wildly at each
other...falling onto a sofa one fighter gets her
opponent in a strong body scissor....these two
fighters are really locked into each other and both
begin viciously pulling hair ....Cory resorts to
ramming her knee into Pandora's Pandora again
starts slapping Cory's face...this is rough fighting
between two who hate to lose..
Tough Cory takes on Pandora...this fall begins
with Pandora and Cory slapping wildly at each
other...falling onto a sofa one fighter gets her
opponent in a strong body scissor....these two
fighters are really locked into each other and both
begin viciously pulling hair ....Cory resorts to
ramming her knee into Pandora's Pandora again
starts slapping Cory's face...this is rough fighting
between two who hate to lose..