Time to Breathe - Elise Graves and Dart Tech - motorized valves on a timer that allows access to air - medical fetish - complete control
My Rating:
Category: Bondage
Runtime: 32 minutes
Date Added: 2/10/2017


Holy, this complete control set up is pretty serious. First, my breasts trussed up with electrical clamps, next my arms and feet are tightly plastic wrapped to the dental chair. After that, my mouth is tightly taped up, leaving only my nose to breathe through. Then the fun begins! Air control aficionado and new play friend, Dart_Tech (with the help of Serious Bondage Mark) has created some software that electronically opens and closes a motorized valve which allows air to pass (or not) to my c-pap mask. In this particular case, the settings are ten seconds open and ten seconds closed. Whic...

Time to Breathe - Elise Graves and Dart Tech - motorized valves on a timer that allows access to air - medical fetish - complete control

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