I walk into my room and remove my jacket and bottoms, then I bend over and put my shoes under my bed, then my step-dad walks in and I explain why I'm bottomless. I also tell him about a job I want to apply to that requires photos of me bottomless and standing facing forward, back, left, and right, so my step-dad helps me by taking pictures of me while I stand in those poses and he tells me to try on 3 more shirts so I pose again in 3 more shirts.
This was a custom request. "start fully clothed with no bra, tshirt with sleeves (nothing to long that covers your butt no crop tops eith...
I walk into my room and remove my jacket and bottoms, then I bend over and put my shoes under my bed, then my step-dad walks in and I explain why I'm bottomless. I also tell him about a job I want to apply to that requires photos of me bottomless and standing facing forward, back, left, and right, so my step-dad helps me by taking pictures of me while I stand in those poses and he tells me to try on 3 more shirts so I pose again in 3 more shirts.
This was a custom request. "start fully clothed with no bra, tshirt with sleeves (nothing to long that covers your butt no crop tops either (The sweater from your Velma video and pink tshirt from you braless bouncing video are perfect length nothing longer.) As far as tennis shoes and socks the socks should be mid calf, if you have longer ones you can scrunch them down a little) SOCKS AND TENNIS SHOES THE WHOLE VIDEO and some kind of shorts. come home from school fully clothed. NO PANTIES Your hair is up in side high pony tails on each side. You take off your jacket and bottoms. You decide to clean. You get down on the floor with your butt to the camera your ass in the air legs slightly spread like you are looking for something when I walk in. You look back startled. You say Oh hey STEP-DAD and stand up to face me. I ask why you are bottomless. You tell me that in this new school when you turn 18 you have to take a sex class. You tell me that the teacher had this long speech and ended by removing her pants and standing in front of the class bottomless. She walked around the room showing her vagina and butthole. I am like what!? Your teacher was bottomless? You say yeah she said that she doesn’t except us to do anything she wouldn’t. Then she made us get in a circle and told everybody to get bottomless. You say that it was weird feeling a breeze on you butt and bush being exposed to everyone. Then she said we are required to go bottomless for her class the rest of the year And that we have to get bottomless before we enter the classroom. You tell me that you want to practice at home to get used to it. I say it’s ok for you to go bottomless at home. You’re happy im supporting it. You tell me that it might be easier for you if everyone in the house went bottomless. You beg me and I give in. you tell me how nice my cock is and about the new mall that was built in the clothing optional zone of the city and the employees just wear uniform shirts and foot wear everyone is nude below the waist. You tell me that you want to apply for a job at one of the places in the food court. hooters went topless they opened a step-sister store called cooters where all the servers are bottomless. There are a couple of other places too but they all require static full body pics. You ask if I can take pics. You start with the shirt you have on. I TELL YOU TO STAND WITH YOUR ARMS AT YOUR SIDES AND FEET SHOULDER WIDTH APART (DO A SLOW TEN COUNT IN YOUR HEAD) then turn to your left (10 count) right side (10 count) and back for 10 count. you reach back and jiggle your butt with your fingers under your cheeks then spread your ass cheeks while standing straight up. I say you should try a couple more tops. Next do the same (with butt jiggle and ass spreading) about 4 different tops. You thank me for being open minded then we leave to go to the mall."