Messy Bedtime Punishment
My Rating:
Category: Diaper Discipline
Runtime: 15 minutes
Date Added: 3/4/2020


Step-Mommy Adriana made me go to the food store with her to get things for her adult dinner party, but it was so boring. I couldn't help wandering away and whining all throughout the trip. So instead of getting to hang out with the adults, Step-Mommy is putting me to bed early after she gives me a big, fleet enema.

I beg her not too, but she strips me of all my clothes and lays me down on the bed. After she fills my bottom up with lots of water, Step-Mommy tapes me into a disposable diaper and snaps me up in my humiliating princess footie pajamas with the ruffle drop seat.

Messy Bedtime Punishment

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