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Potty Training Watersports
My Rating:
Studio: Ella Raine
Runtime: 6 minutes
Category: Pee
Date Added: 12/27/19, 02:25 PM


Ella has a bad habit of holding her pee too long. It's typical among her age to be so irresponsible. She hasn't been potty trained very long, so it is still a work in progress. She sits at the table with her coloring book, crayons, and a tall sippy cup of water. Coloring a cute Hello Kitty picture, Ella sips at her water hastily even though she can already feel pressure on her bladder.

Her picture comes along slowly as she wiggles and bounces to try to alleviate the pain in her abdomen. Being the she is, she doesn't want to leave her activity in order to use the restroom. Her wiggl...

Potty Training Watersports

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