You really, really want to eat your cum. You also really, really want to eat your cum and have this be a part of a normal, sexual dynamic with the Woman of your dreams. Picture this. You are on a train and you end up sitting next to a cute girl. Inevitably, you will eventually have to ask Her if you can eat your own cum. What a fantasy that is! Just like the movies, you end up finding the perfect Woman, all by chance, and she's into the same fetishes that you are! I want you to take in for a moment just how ridiculous that sounds. No such Woman exists. And, not only that, no such Woman should ...
You really, really want to eat your cum. You also really, really want to eat your cum and have this be a part of a normal, sexual dynamic with the Woman of your dreams. Picture this. You are on a train and you end up sitting next to a cute girl. Inevitably, you will eventually have to ask Her if you can eat your own cum. What a fantasy that is! Just like the movies, you end up finding the perfect Woman, all by chance, and she's into the same fetishes that you are! I want you to take in for a moment just how ridiculous that sounds. No such Woman exists. And, not only that, no such Woman should ...