When a debt is not paid they send a very sexy but dangerous woman to make sure its collected or or else make sure there is an example made.Too bad one poor girl who didnt and couldnt pay her own debt was made an example but first she was first put through a series of painful chokes with the 's legs and thighs.The pain didnt last longer then 10 min before it was the end for this girl .Quick ending necksnap finish by the Collector and it was a job well done.
When a debt is not paid they send a very sexy but dangerous woman to make sure its collected or or else make sure there is an example made.Too bad one poor girl who didnt and couldnt pay her own debt was made an example but first she was first put through a series of painful chokes with the 's legs and thighs.The pain didnt last longer then 10 min before it was the end for this girl .Quick ending necksnap finish by the Collector and it was a job well done.