Custom Clip. "You literally just woke up and got out of the bed (and I really mean that - so you have on your pj, and you don't wear any makeup yet). The first thing you do after getting up is lighting up a cigarette. After a couple of hits you put on a good amount of rings while dangling the cigarette in your mouth. Then you make yourself a coffee or tea (or whatever you use to drink in the morning), again while dangling the cigarette. You then sit down to drink the coffee/tea/whatever and finish your cigarette."
Custom Clip. "You literally just woke up and got out of the bed (and I really mean that - so you have on your pj, and you don't wear any makeup yet). The first thing you do after getting up is lighting up a cigarette. After a couple of hits you put on a good amount of rings while dangling the cigarette in your mouth. Then you make yourself a coffee or tea (or whatever you use to drink in the morning), again while dangling the cigarette. You then sit down to drink the coffee/tea/whatever and finish your cigarette."