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Vicky's Lying roommate gets shut up
My Rating:
Runtime: 8 minutes
Category: Nose Pinching
Date Added: 08/05/18, 06:20 PM


Vicky has heard that her roommate has been trying to steal her boyfriend behind her back . When Vicky confronts her roommate she lies about it saying that she loves Vicky and she would never do that bla bla bla. Vicky has proof though, and when she shows her roommate the photos of her , her roommates excuse is that she's being framed. The roommate is STILL trying to talk her way out of it but Vicky has had enough of this lying whore and so she decides to shut her up herself. Vicky places both hands over her roommates mouth and at times even pinches her nose shut too. Vicky’s roommate keeps...

Vicky's Lying roommate gets shut up

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