Continuing the “Hexed” series. Young witch “Kitty” is determined to get her step-bro's attention, but he is just as determined to ignore her and focus on his sports game....
Continuing the “Hexed” series. Young witch “Kitty” is determined to get her step-bro's attention, but he is just as determined to ignore her and focus on his sports game. There's everything to play for and this game is definitely a mustn't miss affair within any sports fan's diary. Kitty joins her step-bro at his ringside seat on the sofa to offer her input and hopefully make this a memorable moment. Things are going well on the field but not so well on the sofa as Kitty makes her presence known. Everything boils down to the final countdown of play, but Kitty begins a memorable game of her own which her step-bro will definitely be very keen to forget.
Kitty's on the sofa eating craisin’s feeling bored and mischievous. She turns her attention to her step-bro who is engrossed in a sports program but paying her no heed. She throws a craisin at her step-bro and then she immediately stares back at the TV with her bored “wasn't me” poker face - pretending nothing has happened as soon as he looks at her. She keeps doing this and on the last occasion she feels his eyes burning into her and can't keep it together anymore... she dissembles and laughs straight at him, throwing another nut quite hard which hits him on the head, making her laugh even harder at how good her aim was.
Her step-brother isn't impressed but still doesn't rise to the bait. The situation returns to 'boring' normal again and Kitty suddenly clicks her fingers at the TV using her witchcraft to change the channel. Ignoring her step-bro's angry outburst, she immediately pretends that it's a program she'd really like to watch. Her exasperated step-bro uses the remote to change the channel back and Kitty immediately feigns indignation, but still wears a coy smile as she continues to eat her nuts one by one, pretending to stare sullenly at the TV. Another pause for 'boredom.' Deciding to up the ante, Kitty clicks her fingers again and her step-brother is suddenly a tiny naked speck on her fingernail. With her other hand, she clicks the TV channel back to her program and then taunts her step-bro saying:
“Awww now you've got nothing to watch,” she teases. She then has a naughty thought and lifts her Tee up, lowers her bra-cup and exposes her tit. “Hey, why don't I watch MY program and you can run round on this... you could do with the exercise...” Laughing, she then deposits him off her fingernail and onto her nipple with a single, well-aimed “wipe.”
Kitty speaks down to her step-bro. “You know, I think I'll put your sports game back on...” Kitty does this with a finger click. “ WAS getting quite exciting, I'll have to admit. I totally get your interest in it. I mean, that guy there, I'd totally fuck HIS brains out.” She giggles girlishly looking down at her step-bro.
Kitty feigns interest in the sports game with her tit still out, but then she senses that her step-bro's gone quiet and still. He's not listening to her; he's just started watching the game from her nipple. “Ohhh no, this is tooo exciting, it's gone to sudden the final countdown...” Kitty states quite genuinely. It's true. And her step-bro may as well be sat back on the sofa for all the attention he's giving her nipple. Cruelly, Kitty then lifts her bra cup back in place and re-settles her tee over it, basically eliminating any possibility of her step-bro viewing the game's final and most crucial moments from her nipple.
The game continues and we see Kitty playing out mock interest in the game as she directs her commentary down towards her [now covered] nipple. “It's a penalty kick...ohhh nooo, this could decide everything...” NOW she starts to feel her step-bro as he beats and kicks his nano-limbs against her pink nub. Kitty leans forward on the sofa edge, looking enraptured in the sport, but her cogs are still turning.
She then clicks her fingers again and her step-bro re-appears on her fingernail. She brings the fingernail up close to her face. “This is just too exciting,” she says to him with mock breathlessness. “You can't be just a little itch on my nipple at such a crucial point in the game...” It sounds like Kitty has reconsidered her desire to mess with her step-bro.
Her step-bro suddenly feels invigorated and relieved that Kitty seems to have had her fun and is at last about to let him view this climactic, season-long finale he's waited so long for. But as she's saying this, she flops back on the sofa and starts undoing the button and zip on her jeans with her 'free' hand [only]... the other one still held up so her step-bro can see the T.V. Her step-bro doesn't even notice what she's doing with her other hand, he's so intent on the action on the TV. Then, just before the final play occurs, the final moment, she plunges the hand with her step-bro on it straight into her panties with lightning speed and deftly wipes him onto her clit, bringing her hand back out just as quickly as it went in. Kitty has a 'laughter tinged' orgasmic reaction to this which totally muffles what's happening on the TV. She rapidly re-zips and buttons her jeans up again to further 'soundproof' her step-bro's hearing. She gradually settles and regains herself...satisfied with her cruel prank.
Glancing at the T.V again, she realizes that the final play is over, and the game has concluded. The watching world now knows the outcome. Her clit-bound step-bro, however, does not. Kitty robbed him of that pleasure right at the last possible moment. Her timing absolutely perfect. Her step-bro is still on her clit and has no clue whatsoever how the game ended. As small as he is, Kitty can feel his anger and frustration down there and it feels quite good. Why ruin it for herself by telling him how the game actually ended? The fuss he was making down there was reason enough for him to stay put.
It's a couple of hours later and Kitty is on the phone to Ivy and the “big game” is their topic of conversation. “Yeah, so hey, we won the league FINALLY after all these years... Yeah, we watched it together, he was waiting for this game like all year practically, so I thought I'd keep him company... Well yeah, it is a big thing I guess...HUGE...I mean, it's our hometown, right? And you know what guys are like with sport. In years to come, somebody's gonna ask our step-bro if he remembers exactly where he was and what he was doing at the moment his home team won the league. It'll just be nice that he'll always be able to associate ME with that precious, haha!”