I Found an old style hanger with wooden clamps, I thought wow, I know what I can use this for. I have one of my slaves over to try out my torturous device on. Not only does it crush your balls it allows for them to be stretched while cutting off all circulation of to your balls so therefore it works as a castrating device. Not just yet, you know I love tormenting men and when I become bored then it's off with his balls. Until then, it's all fun and games for me. Besides I want to play with the "The Ball Abuser".
I Found an old style hanger with wooden clamps, I thought wow, I know what I can use this for. I have one of my slaves over to try out my torturous device on. Not only does it crush your balls it allows for them to be stretched while cutting off all circulation of to your balls so therefore it works as a castrating device. Not just yet, you know I love tormenting men and when I become bored then it's off with his balls. Until then, it's all fun and games for me. Besides I want to play with the "The Ball Abuser".