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Aylalee Cranking in Camel-Colored Boots
My Rating:
Runtime: 3 minutes
Category: Cranking
Date Added: 07/26/11, 06:54 PM


Aylalee is having a lot of trouble with the Coronet. It won't start, and she's pumping and cranking a lot! Her camel-colored knee-high boots show up really well against the black floor mats in the car. She uses her ankle as a pivot point and pumps the gas; she also stabs at the gas using her whole leg. She pumps so much, she has to switch legs and pump with her left foot for a while. She does this so naturally as if she uses her left foot on the gas all the time. You can tell the battery's getting a tad weak at the end, and she desperately tries to get it started before it! Footwell only.
Aylalee Cranking in Camel-Colored Boots

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