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Damara Wants to Show You How She Revs
My Rating:
Runtime: 10 minutes
Category: Pedal Pumping
Date Added: 10/20/15, 05:00 PM


Damara hops into the Monte Carlo and pumps the gas several times. Then she pushes the gas pedal to the floor and leaves it there while she brushes out her hair and applies a light shade of lipstick and fresh powder on her face. She then wants to show you how she would rev the car and starts pumping the gas the way she would if she were really revving it. She pumps the gas with her right foot for the most part but occasionally she'll switch it up and pump it with her left foot. She also takes a quick break here and there to show off her legs for you.

Please note the vehicle is ne...
Damara Wants to Show You How She Revs

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