FFB095 Big Boi Scoop Slam 4 part 2
My Rating:
Category: Fantasy Wrestling
Runtime: 8 minutes
Date Added: 4/7/2024


CJ vs CJ. Fingerlock, duck under, pit grab reversal, hip toss. Fingerlock, arm wringer, pump handle stretch, glute grab stretch, oil check. Lock up, counter, hip swing toss, finger lock. Lock up. Waist lock. Gut wrench, guy wrench toss, gut wrench, bear hug, modified camel clutch. Clothes falling off. Stripping. Gut wrench, hip thrusters, Camel clutch hip thrusters. Gut punches. Deep grab, holding CJ up in the air by neck and crotch and slamming down. Hammerlock tie up, toss down on mats. Fireman's carry, walk around, throw off shoulders. Pin drag. Boston crab. Body slam. Splash. Cross body...

FFB095 Big Boi Scoop Slam 4 part 2

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