800x452 This weigh in is 2 weeks into my gain-a-thon where you'll get to see how much I've gained in the past 2 weeks! I will be doing a weigh-in every 2 weeks until I reach my goal! How much closer am I? Guess you'll have to watch the video to find out! I also talk about how I've gained and what I plan to do in the next two weeks! Run Time: 5:49
800x452 This weigh in is 2 weeks into my gain-a-thon where you'll get to see how much I've gained in the past 2 weeks! I will be doing a weigh-in every 2 weeks until I reach my goal! How much closer am I? Guess you'll have to watch the video to find out! I also talk about how I've gained and what I plan to do in the next two weeks! Run Time: 5:49