OK, so y'all should know by now, if I poke my head in after being MIA for a while, then I'm comin with somethin' that'll damn sho be worth the wait. And this visual treat right 'chere certainly is just that. The Warlord of Wide Width has gathered up a few pairs of note worthy, ebony feet to present for your viewing pleasure. First up, we have our video headliner, Louise . You'll remember ole gal from making your temperature rise in the classic clip, "Thick & Wwwwiiiide...
And since the theme of the day's HUGE, protrusive, puffy peds, I've included more treats to keep your juices flowing. I was on vacation recently, and like always, Cam & I are pretty much inseperable. And thankfully, we were both prepared when we encountered these three cocoa complected ladies. The first two are quick candid captures of two mature ebony women who exhibit that very distinct, eye-catching contrast on their feet ( aka the two-tone, dark top/light bottom, peanut butter & chocolate characteristic that we've popularized here @ WWOS ). The last is of a chocolate BBW Goddess who's pedial appearance is so mind boggling, that I felt championed just to possess the candid glimpse that I DO have. Even the mythical-nesss of Sasquatch ain't got jack on this BIGFOOT! I literally felt light headed upon seeing this woman's mega corpulent feet ( or maybe at the thought of all the thing's I'd do with 'em ). And upon approaching, I almost fainted when she answered my quiry that she wore a size 13-14W! But dig, try as I might, unfortunately, I just couldn't persuade her to chill long enough to poze for a short up-close video or a few pics. Oh well, c'est la vie...but thank goodness for the common sense I had to grab these candids before hand!