I love your clips online and wanted to see how you'd do with this scenario:
Your nails are natural (no polish). You are a home inspector walking through a home. You are wearing tennis shoes with socks on your feet. You're on the go and so you've brought your lunch to the home. Your lunch is a sandwich, soup, a bottle of water, and a cake for dessert. You walk into the home and place the food on a table. After all, the owner will never know. You'll just be in and out! Unfortunately, unknown to you, the homeowner didn't pay attention to the house and it's a disaster w...
I love your clips online and wanted to see how you'd do with this scenario:
Your nails are natural (no polish). You are a home inspector walking through a home. You are wearing tennis shoes with socks on your feet. You're on the go and so you've brought your lunch to the home. Your lunch is a sandwich, soup, a bottle of water, and a cake for dessert. You walk into the home and place the food on a table. After all, the owner will never know. You'll just be in and out! Unfortunately, unknown to you, the homeowner didn't pay attention to the house and it's a disaster waiting to happen. She was a do-it-yourselfer and tried to use faulty glue to fix her house and pass inspection, but the glue hadn't fully set before you arrived.
You pull out your inspection paperwork and walk through the home. You go upstairs first. You're writing down various issues with the home and testing out things. (turning switches on and off, opening and closing doors, flushing toilets etc.) on a clipboard with huge closeups of your fingers and hands as you perform each action. Everything looks fine, but unknown to you is that a leak of mysterious goo is dripping onto the stairs...
As you leave the top floor, you walk down the stairs and get stuck. You try to pull free, but cannot get free. You have to eventually pull your feet out of the shoes, only to get your socks stuck. You pull and pull with your hands and it doesn't work. You finally free your feet by pulling them from your socks, which has been stuck to the floor. You write down all these problems.
In shock, you walk into the kitchen. Your bare feet are now on the floor and you're covered in the goo from the stairs. You want to get out of there. This place has failed. You run over to the table to grab your things and go. In your haste, you drop your pen and it rolls under the table. You crawl under to get it. The goo is again dripping from the ceiling...yet another botched fix-up job. It is dripping onto your soles and under your feet. You are now completely stuck under the table. You move and try to get free and bump into the table. The table shakes, slowly spilling your lunch onto your bare feet one at a time. Your feet are completely covered in food.
The homeowner returns. He says he knew she was going to fail and he's glad you're stuck and wanted to see you like this.
There should be a lot of natural sticky sounds and feet / hands / toenails / tops of feet closeups. Please make sure both the soles and tops of feet are messy at the end. Be as natural as possible (don't try to miss or purposefully step in it). There should be minimal talking in the clip, focusing on the natural sounds and movements of the toes, feet, fingers, and hands.