Rosie's Revenge PART2 ( version)
My Rating:
Category: Foot Domination
Runtime: 8 minutes
Date Added: 6/18/2016


Enough is enough, Rosie is just fed up with being enslaved and humiliated all the time. At least a dozen times she had to suffer Candy's stinky, sweaty feet in her face, now it's her time to avenge the he tricked her into bondage, all Candy's limbs and neck are tied by leather straps and chains to the pentagram on the floor, leaving her more defenseless than she has ever been! This could have been more than perfect to begin her torment, but Rosie had even better plans! She simply left Candy in the empty room, tied to the floor with no idea where she has gone, and when she'll come back. Ros...
Rosie's Revenge PART2 ( version)

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