Fight1. The fight starts with a failed throw down, her rival counteratacks by trying to control she by a little newaza, but nothing, it was only an excuse to escape from her. The judoca in white, tries to control her rival in the floor, but she doesn ́t get anything at the moment. The judoca in blue, brings her rival in the floor, and she makes a juji-gatame. Submission, its ippon! Fight2. This fight is a great hold down, her rival has no chance, she moves her legs desperately, but there is nothing to do with that, it ́s ippon!
Fight1. The fight starts with a failed throw down, her rival counteratacks by trying to control she by a little newaza, but nothing, it was only an excuse to escape from her. The judoca in white, tries to control her rival in the floor, but she doesn ́t get anything at the moment. The judoca in blue, brings her rival in the floor, and she makes a juji-gatame. Submission, its ippon! Fight2. This fight is a great hold down, her rival has no chance, she moves her legs desperately, but there is nothing to do with that, it ́s ippon!