Fight1. There is a decent reverse-jujigatame attempt, there are a few moments catched in this fight. Fight2. An amazing tomoe-nage attempt starts the fight, she tries a tomoe-nage again, she surely gets some points. Fight3. A good throw down, she controls her rival by hold down after that, but she got ippon. Fight4. A great throw down. Fight5. Another throw down. Fight6. Another throw down.
Fight1. There is a decent reverse-jujigatame attempt, there are a few moments catched in this fight. Fight2. An amazing tomoe-nage attempt starts the fight, she tries a tomoe-nage again, she surely gets some points. Fight3. A good throw down, she controls her rival by hold down after that, but she got ippon. Fight4. A great throw down. Fight5. Another throw down. Fight6. Another throw down.