Annie squashes his balls on the cock box. Shes uses all 170 lbs to step up onto the box with one foot on his cock, leaving little room for his balls being crushed underneath. She presses her foot down so that any remaining part of his balls that already weren't under her left foot feel the brunt of all of her weight. You can see her subject squirm as his hand starts moving to wave her off because the pressure felt like they were about to burst. She then crushes his cock with one foot and plays with his balls. She mushes them into the board with her toes and heel. Then for the duration of this ...
Annie squashes his balls on the cock box. Shes uses all 170 lbs to step up onto the box with one foot on his cock, leaving little room for his balls being crushed underneath. She presses her foot down so that any remaining part of his balls that already weren't under her left foot feel the brunt of all of her weight. You can see her subject squirm as his hand starts moving to wave her off because the pressure felt like they were about to burst. She then crushes his cock with one foot and plays with his balls. She mushes them into the board with her toes and heel. Then for the duration of this ...