Reign has her skinny boy toy over to her private studio for some muscle comparisons. He had gone to visit her a few weeks earlier and, according to him, he in the meantime went to the gym to try to put on some size. Well, his gym visits obviously did not work cause he is skinny as ever....especially compared to her. Reign teases him verbally, dares him to punch her muscles and challenges him to some hand to hand wrestling and some arm wrestling. He is defeated every time. He acts like a meek little mouse in her presence. **this is available on at a discount**
Reign has her skinny boy toy over to her private studio for some muscle comparisons. He had gone to visit her a few weeks earlier and, according to him, he in the meantime went to the gym to try to put on some size. Well, his gym visits obviously did not work cause he is skinny as ever....especially compared to her. Reign teases him verbally, dares him to punch her muscles and challenges him to some hand to hand wrestling and some arm wrestling. He is defeated every time. He acts like a meek little mouse in her presence. **this is available on at a discount**