Jack taunts Hollywood into a Chest of Strength test...which you will have to see to believe. The two go chest to chest, arm to arm, hands interlinked thru several tests of Chest Strength. They both struggle, nipple to nipple, working up a real sweat with such intense effort. There can only be one winner and she is a beauty. Finally after a long encounter, Jack from sheer exhaustion with the glistening Hollyood sitting upon him.
Jack taunts Hollywood into a Chest of Strength test...which you will have to see to believe. The two go chest to chest, arm to arm, hands interlinked thru several tests of Chest Strength. They both struggle, nipple to nipple, working up a real sweat with such intense effort. There can only be one winner and she is a beauty. Finally after a long encounter, Jack from sheer exhaustion with the glistening Hollyood sitting upon him.