Secret Agents Betrayal! Sheena, Warrior Amazon, Jennifer Thomas and Fightbabe Robin
My Rating:
Category: Female Fighting
Runtime: 42 minutes
Date Added: 5/29/2020


Russian Agent Warrior Amazon is attacked from behind by American Agent Jenn Thomas. She is KOd, tied up and held hostage. Agent JennT, then attacks Russian Agent Sheena in her hotel room bed. She tells Agent Sheena that she is looking for the USB stick with the valuable information on it! Sheena tells her it’s in her black handbag. As Agent Jenn goes for it, Sheena attacks her and a fight is on! Agent Jenn KOs Agent Sheena and ties her up! She has them held hostage now and brings in her partner, American Agent Robin. Agent Robin and Agent Jenn may be on the same team but they do not trust e...

Secret Agents Betrayal! Sheena, Warrior Amazon, Jennifer Thomas and Fightbabe Robin

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