Mangia le verdurine piccola Ammalia! - Eat the vegetables little Ammalia
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Runtime: 22 minutes
Date Added: 12/30/2023


La figlia di Stella odia le verdure, ma dovrà mangiarle ugualmente, ficcate a forza nella bocca con i guanti della cara mammina. Ammalia fa un sacco di capricci! e quindi sarà legata alla sedia della tavola da cucina

Stella's step-daughter hates vegetables, but she will have to eat them anyway, stuffed into her mouth with the gloves of the dear step-mother. Ammalia does a lot of tantrums! and therefore will be tied to the kitchen table chair


This Video is for MOBILE VERSION HD Format 854x480

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La figlia di Stella odia le verdure, ma dovrà mangiarle ugualmente, ficcate a forza nella bocca con i guanti della cara mammina. Ammalia fa un sacco di capricci! e quindi sarà legata alla sedia della tavola da cucina

Stella's step-daughter hates vegetables, but she will have to eat them anyway, stuffed into her mouth with the gloves of the dear step-mother. Ammalia does a lot of tantrums! and therefore will be tied to the kitchen table chair


This Video is for MOBILE VERSION HD Format 854x480

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Mangia le verdurine piccola Ammalia! - Eat the vegetables little Ammalia

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