Lifts by the Big Muscular Girls!
My Rating:
Category: Lift & Carry
Runtime: 4 minutes
Date Added: 7/11/2013


Kasie admires Muscle Beauty's Ass.... She tells the liftee boy to hop on but don't touch the glutes! While Kasie takes the pleasure of touching the 16” calves and MB glutes while she performs calf raises with her liftee boy. She transitions him into a piggy back ride. Ride boy Ride!! MB favorite lift is the fireman's carry lift; she whips him over her shoulder with ease and performs the lift while Kasie runs for the water to put the fire out!!! Not... just kidding, but does throw in a few spankings for good pleasure!! The girls are really having fun lifting the liftee boy, Kasie struts her s...
Lifts by the Big Muscular Girls!

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