KC crushing the attorney's rib cage in a brutal body scissor, as Frankie is warning him not to say! Whipping him around to a figure 4 head hold, to a strong head scissor trying to get him to confess. KC drags him by his head in a standing scissor, you can hear his neck bones crunching. Chains him back up and goes for the crimal Frankie... here comes the camel clutch. Confess will you.
KC crushing the attorney's rib cage in a brutal body scissor, as Frankie is warning him not to say! Whipping him around to a figure 4 head hold, to a strong head scissor trying to get him to confess. KC drags him by his head in a standing scissor, you can hear his neck bones crunching. Chains him back up and goes for the crimal Frankie... here comes the camel clutch. Confess will you.