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Please, Swallow My Toothpaste! (hai voglia di ingoiare il mio dentifricio?)
My Rating:
Runtime: 2 minutes
Category: Teeth Fetish
Date Added: 08/29/19, 06:19 PM


I didn't know that there was such a thing as the 'toothpaste and mouth fetish' (very unusual fetish indeed!). When Mistress Melissa received this video request, she thought of a joke or something. On the contrary, Melissa met this Toothpaste Slave during a bdsm/fetish session and he was able to drink all (a disgusting combination of toothpaste, spits and water rejected from her mouth). This pov video is dedicated to him! ----- Non sapevo neppure che esistesse un feticismo collegato alla bocca, ai gargarismi e allo sputo di acqua, saliva e dentifricio nel lavandino! Quando Mistress Melissa h...

Please, Swallow My Toothpaste! (hai voglia di ingoiare il mio dentifricio?)

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