Everyone loves to have fun in his own way... Phoenix Domina, for example, likes inflicting pure pain on men, by kicking and stomping them mercilessly. The Stomping Game is a cruel challenge to our fakir’s endurance and stamina: lying on the ground belly up, the fakir has to take an incredible number of powerful belly stomps and kicks to the stomach. This video is mainly dedicated to all those people who love the Abs of Steel Challenges and adore watching a victim beaten in the midsection with strong body blows. The rules of this one-side beatdown game are very simple: Phoenix Domina - 180,4...
Everyone loves to have fun in his own way... Phoenix Domina, for example, likes inflicting pure pain on men, by kicking and stomping them mercilessly. The Stomping Game is a cruel challenge to our fakir’s endurance and stamina: lying on the ground belly up, the fakir has to take an incredible number of powerful belly stomps and kicks to the stomach. This video is mainly dedicated to all those people who love the Abs of Steel Challenges and adore watching a victim beaten in the midsection with strong body blows. The rules of this one-side beatdown game are very simple: Phoenix Domina - 180,4 lb. of bad girl - can stomp the Fakir with full power in the belly, stomach and solar plexus. It will be the Fate to choose the number of belly blows: Phoenix has to draw cards from a pack in order to establish the right number of them (three types of kicks: belly stomps, axe kicks with the heel, toe and instep ones). During the first series of stomps, the sadistic girl wears dark blue tights, whereas in the second ones she removes her sexy stockings and starts stomping barefoot in order to hear the clear sound of the impact (bare feet on bare belly: great music for her ears!) Between one stomp and another, Phoenix tries to relieve (!?!) fakir’s abdominal pain... walking on him full weight with her 180 lb. (ouch!). In the last part of this painful game, Phoenix begins cheating at cards: she draws always the same cards (ten, ten and ten again!) and finally she kicks the human punching bag without any respect for the rules! ----- Ciascuno ama divertirsi a modo suo... Phoenix Domina, ad esempio, adora testare la resistenza degli uomini al dolore, sfidandoli in giochi fantasiosi ed estremi. Lo sfidante di oggi, il fachiro della Stomach Demolition, ha un compito molto semplice (per quanto non indolore!): sdraiarsi per terra a pancia in su e incassare un numero incredibile di calci e pestoni. Fakir dovrà subire tre tipi di calci: i pestoni con la pianta, quelli ad ascia con il tallone e i calci di punta e dorso. Il numero di colpi per ciascuna tipologia è stabilito dalle carte pescate a caso dal mazzo (premettiamo che Phoenix ama barare!). Durante la prima serie l’aggressiva amazzone usa sensuali calze color blu scuro, nella seconda invece se ne libera per poter ascoltare il celestiale rumore del piede nudo mentre impatta contro la pancia nuda della sua vittima. Tra una serie di calci e l’altra, Phoenix cerca altruisticamente di alleviare il dolore addominale del fachiro... camminandoci sopra con tutto il suo dolce peso! Nell’esplosivo finale la sadica calciatrice si mette a barare alla grande, pescando di continuo i dieci dal mazzo e prendendo a calci lo stomaco del fachiro senza rispettare più alcuna regola...