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Weird Intolerance To Carrots (bizzarra intolleranza alle carote!)
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The human world is full of oddities and weird people. For example, it can happen that an extreme slave or a nasty fetishist, accustomed to eating toenails, toejam, pre-chewed food, tampons and even sh.. can have a strange form of idiosyncrasy or intolerance against innocuous and odorless vegetables like carrots! Mister Apnea - the most famous italian fetishist - eats anything (practically everything) except - of course - this one: the fucking carrots! Mister Apnea wants Lady Witch’s help (Misia Marelli is a dear friend of him!) to overcome his immense repugnance for the disgusting orange ro...

Weird Intolerance To Carrots (bizzarra intolleranza alle carote!)

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