Saving My Shrunken CEO Step-Mom
My Rating:
Category: Magic Control
Runtime: 15 minutes
Date Added: 6/10/2022


Rachel Adams takes her step-son, Luigi, to bring your step-son to work day. She’s busy working and he wants to play. He leaves to play with other ones. Gary, an employee, appears. He has a huge crush on Rachel Adams. Rachel Adams fires Gary, and he accidentally asks her out. Rachel Adams is shocked and says no. Gary pulls a shrink ray and shoots Rachel Adams, who begins shrinking. She panics, pleas, begs and demands him to turn her back to normal. She shrinks to the size of an ant, and looks around. Gary picks her up and leaves to go to his house.

In the house, Gary traps her in a...

Saving My Shrunken CEO Step-Mom

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