Tilly McReese
Eleven minutes and forty-four seconds
Ms McReese will be hooded with a Gwendolyn style latex hood, blindfolded with a crisscross leather strap device, then wrapped in vetwrap to be cinched in with leather straps.
Her mouth is to be gagged with wide electrical tape wrapped on top of her hood, surrounding her face and muffling her protests to avoid distraction while the experiment is conducted.
Her hair will then be pull...
Tilly McReese
Eleven minutes and forty-four seconds
Ms McReese will be hooded with a Gwendolyn style latex hood, blindfolded with a crisscross leather strap device, then wrapped in vetwrap to be cinched in with leather straps.
Her mouth is to be gagged with wide electrical tape wrapped on top of her hood, surrounding her face and muffling her protests to avoid distraction while the experiment is conducted.
Her hair will then be pulled through the top of the garment, exposing her hair which will then be tied off with coarse twine.
Ms. McReese will then be placed upon the floor without harm.
Her knees will be bent, and her ankles anchored via straps to leave her soles upturned for ease of access and application.
Finalizing her tie, her bound hair will be tied off to an anchor point on her back, and her large toes tightly bound in place, posing her in a highly submissive position.
The fourth scenario in our battery of tests over a two day period was highly successful.
An increase in restraint elevated Subject McReeses reactions, when stimulation was applied to her bare soles.
Digital stimulation for an extended duration upon the plantar fascia resulted in continual movement, struggling, and laughter, rendering the gag only effective from keeping others in close proximity in the next pod over from being disturbed.
Locking Specimens knees in place with the testers yielded even less movement and a greater reaction.
The Shocker was again implemented upon Subjects
soles, having found success in other testing, and again proved a net positive result.
Psychologically, the Shocker had a desired effect the moment it was activated, as Subject McReese moaned a gagged, ‘Oh God’ into her wrapping before the instrument made contact.
Applying it upon the metatarsal pads caused her head to pulse forward, contact from the floor only being avoided due to the safety precaution of the aforementioned hair tie applied.
Finally a liquid paraffin with moderate viscosity was manually applied to prevent pain infliction with the Terrorizers utilized.
Experimenter applied another psychological tactic by adding the paraffin and allowing Subject to moan a gagged, ‘this is nice’ - leading her to believe de-escalation was occurring.
The implements were then donned, and audibly rubbed together at the palms to elicit a fear / dread response but one was not detected.
Due to the success of stimulation upon the plantar fascia using the digital method, we repeated this while applying the Terrorizers to the same area with great effect.
The last test involved the new SnS Shredder (Sweet and Sour). In an earlier discovery, it was found the less aggressive side (sweet) of the SnS only brought moderate results whereas the aggressive side (sour)
worked exceptionally well once again, in Ms. McReeses plantar fascia area.