Stars Sinn Sage as Wonder Girl/Drusilla Prince and Addie Juniper as Formicida. The show starts with Formicida catching Wonder Girl in her powerless secret identity as Drusilla Prince in Drusilla's apartment. Drusilla's perils include a beat down, handcuffing, being spun in circles, spanking, HOM and a fan favorite capture. There are also lots of extended body shots of the heroine's body in her secret identity. This clip is discounted because Wonder Girl does not appear.
Stars Sinn Sage as Wonder Girl/Drusilla Prince and Addie Juniper as Formicida. The show starts with Formicida catching Wonder Girl in her powerless secret identity as Drusilla Prince in Drusilla's apartment. Drusilla's perils include a beat down, handcuffing, being spun in circles, spanking, HOM and a fan favorite capture. There are also lots of extended body shots of the heroine's body in her secret identity. This clip is discounted because Wonder Girl does not appear.