Manu, born 1977, 52 kg, 173 cm vs Claudia, born 1994 j, 55 kg, 170 In this fight you see the experienced Manu vs the Newcomer Claudia. This is the second fight for Claudia. She trained a lot, but have in the first part of this clip no way against Manu. In the second part of this fight, Claudia gets some points, but will this be enough points again Manu? In this clip you see 2 armwrestling matches, submission holds, scissors, leglocks and a lot of schoolgirl pins. Both girls liked it very much. 4.000 kbits
Manu, born 1977, 52 kg, 173 cm vs Claudia, born 1994 j, 55 kg, 170 In this fight you see the experienced Manu vs the Newcomer Claudia. This is the second fight for Claudia. She trained a lot, but have in the first part of this clip no way against Manu. In the second part of this fight, Claudia gets some points, but will this be enough points again Manu? In this clip you see 2 armwrestling matches, submission holds, scissors, leglocks and a lot of schoolgirl pins. Both girls liked it very much. 4.000 kbits