Jannine 27 j, 161 cm, 52 kg vs Tina 25 j, 180 cm, 60 kg. This is a very unequal fight between little Jannine vs the big Tina. Jannine has a lot experience in fighting, but Tina is very strong and much taller. In this fight Jannine has a lot of troubles to make good submission holds against Tina. Also it was very difficult for Jannine, to geht the big Tina on the floor. Tina only try to gets points while make schoolgirls pins. Does power or combat experience helps to win this fight? There is one winner!
NOW available in full screen for Windows Media Player! Download 16:9 wmv 4.000 kbits! Long P...
Jannine 27 j, 161 cm, 52 kg vs Tina 25 j, 180 cm, 60 kg. This is a very unequal fight between little Jannine vs the big Tina. Jannine has a lot experience in fighting, but Tina is very strong and much taller. In this fight Jannine has a lot of troubles to make good submission holds against Tina. Also it was very difficult for Jannine, to geht the big Tina on the floor. Tina only try to gets points while make schoolgirls pins. Does power or combat experience helps to win this fight? There is one winner!
NOW available in full screen for Windows Media Player! Download 16:9 wmv 4.000 kbits! Long P...