Popular Girls Butt Slave - Spoiled Princess Araya
My Rating:
Category: School Uniform
Runtime: 8 minutes
Date Added: 3/13/2021


You are walking through school when the most POPULAR GIRL spots you! She immediately starts to MOCK AND BELITTLE you. She laughs in your face while recounting ALL THE TIMES she has HUMILIATED you in front of the entire school, there is NOTHING YOU CAN DO!

She makes you get on your knees and then WORSHIP HER STINKY ASS! There is only five minutes left until class gets out. So if you don't wanna have EVERYONE SEE what a BROWN NOSER you really are, then you better get CLEANING! oh yea, and Araya just came from gym class!

This is a MUST SEE video for schoolgirl humiliation fan...

Popular Girls Butt Slave - Spoiled Princess Araya

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