Disobedience seems to be a way of life for pretty Samantha Woodley. Her attitude has been adjusted before for smoking cigarettes on campus. Dressed in a crisp white shirt, short black skirt and high heels, she looks a picture waiting outside the Dean's office. Inside, the well-oiled length of leather, a smarting two-tailed tawse, waits to do its job. "I hate how that strap wraps right across my cheeks," confesses Sam. "It stings so bad on the end, it's like I'm being set alight! I couldn't help jumping when he laid on 20 strokes that hard."
Disobedience seems to be a way of life for pretty Samantha Woodley. Her attitude has been adjusted before for smoking cigarettes on campus. Dressed in a crisp white shirt, short black skirt and high heels, she looks a picture waiting outside the Dean's office. Inside, the well-oiled length of leather, a smarting two-tailed tawse, waits to do its job. "I hate how that strap wraps right across my cheeks," confesses Sam. "It stings so bad on the end, it's like I'm being set alight! I couldn't help jumping when he laid on 20 strokes that hard."