Firm Hand's very own Catherine Corbett leads the cast of the corporal punishment classic, Military Discipline 2002. This feature release is a true collector's item - made to exceptional production standards and featuring utterly convincing action!
The British Army is famous for its training and discipline...and Lieutenant Catherine Corbett firmly believes in corporal punishment as part of her discipline management for young cadets. Two sparky Royal Air girls who join her unit for special training are repeatedly punished for failing to meet Lt Corbett’s standards.
Even at t...
Firm Hand's very own Catherine Corbett leads the cast of the corporal punishment classic, Military Discipline 2002. This feature release is a true collector's item - made to exceptional production standards and featuring utterly convincing action!
The British Army is famous for its training and discipline...and Lieutenant Catherine Corbett firmly believes in corporal punishment as part of her discipline management for young cadets. Two sparky Royal Air girls who join her unit for special training are repeatedly punished for failing to meet Lt Corbett’s standards.
Even at their first meeting, the lieutenant harangues the two young cadets for sloppy uniforms and poor attitude, and swiftly administers a spanking. But this is just a foretaste of what is to come. Lt Corbett produces a large rubber-soled plimsoll and applies it with vigour to the two girls’ bare bottoms, the humiliation being nearly as great as the smarting of the slipper. Corbett even demonstrates her athletic prowess by administering six of the strokes with a run-up, for maximum impact and stinging power.
The cadets find that there is no respite from the corporal punishment regime. The slipper is followed by a bottom-rippling, flesh-reddening strapping with a 2-tailed Loghgelly tawse – an implement to fear. They leave her soulless office with a warning that their next offense will carry the ultimate penalty – a severe caning.
Later, when the cadets face Lt Corbett for a more serious offense, the dreaded cane is produced. They are bent over, bottoms bared, to be thrashed. And what a thrashing! Each stroke of the first 24 is with a rattan cane. The punishment continues with six strokes applied with a wooden meter rule, leaving distinctive bruises on both buttocks.
But Lt Corbett has not finished yet, as she decides to administer the final six strokes of the cane on the run, taking five paces back before running up and lashing the cane across the presented bare buttocks. Two strokes are deliberately laid across the back of the girls’ thighs, to ensure that the marks will remain for longer, creating maximum embarrassment.
Justice is done when pretty Catherine Corbett gets her comeuppance on the cadets’ last day, before they return to their RAF unit. They have discovered that Catherine and a married officer are having an affair, and are now threatening to expose it by telling his wife. Catherine has no alternative but to accept the humiliation of a double bare-bottom spanking from the girls.
They also leave a time-bomb behind, as they’ve told the Colonel what’s been going on. He pays a visit to Lt Corbett’s office to administer an eye-watering strapping with the same tawse she used on the cadets – followed by 30 strokes of the cane and six with the meter rule. The caning includes a classic sequence where the Colonel takes a run-up before delivering each stroke – hard and fast – leaving Catherine nursing a bruised and well-reddened bottom.