202L - Girlfriends Part 2
Studio: FLDiaperGirls
1280x720 - High Definition
Gwen heads over to Laila's for the weekend. Since Laila is so immature, small, and can't hold her bladder well her parents have asked Gwen to babysit her. But that doesn't mean the two girls can't have a little fun. First things first, it's Florida, it's getting warm, which means beach time. So the two get ready and dressed for the beach but that of course means getting Laila out of her very wet Bambino diaper. That's when Laila has her first tantrum of the day and gets upset for being such a bedwetter and always waking up with a full diaper. She's just em...
Gwen heads over to Laila's for the weekend. Since Laila is so immature, small, and can't hold her bladder well her parents have asked Gwen to babysit her. But that doesn't mean the two girls can't have a little fun. First things first, it's Florida, it's getting warm, which means beach time. So the two get ready and dressed for the beach but that of course means getting Laila out of her very wet Bambino diaper. That's when Laila has her first tantrum of the day and gets upset for being such a bedwetter and always waking up with a full diaper. She's just em...

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