Note to philanderers: Better avoid the hanky-panky if your better half is a rope- mistress! Otherwise, you could find yourself in John's humiliating predicament, sitting tied and tape-gagged on the edge of the bed with similarly roped and silenced co-conspirator Elle Alexandra squirming naked next to him! Now maybe that doesn't sound so bad, but be aware that John's angry spouse later ratchets up the bondage by hogtying the couple and leaving them to repent their sinful behavior!
Understandably nervous that Dane has invited an old friend with a criminal past to visit their home, Ba...
Note to philanderers: Better avoid the hanky-panky if your better half is a rope- mistress! Otherwise, you could find yourself in John's humiliating predicament, sitting tied and tape-gagged on the edge of the bed with similarly roped and silenced co-conspirator Elle Alexandra squirming naked next to him! Now maybe that doesn't sound so bad, but be aware that John's angry spouse later ratchets up the bondage by hogtying the couple and leaving them to repent their sinful behavior!
Understandably nervous that Dane has invited an old friend with a criminal past to visit their home, Bailey Blue begs him to change his mind. Dane assures Bailey that the guy's reformed, but it turns out he's wrong -- while he's briefly out of the house, the thug binds and cleave-gags Bailey, who writhes barefoot in top and panties on the bed while the unregenerate criminal begins to carry out his larcenous scheme! When Dane returns home, the thief repays his hospitality by roping the stunned couple into matching hogties; Bailey, whose breasts he's insolently bared, thrashes about in frantic frustration!
An interlude of sensual pleasure for Lexi Bloom and Ray detours into an alarming ordeal by bondage! Both victims writhe bound and tape- gagged on the edge of the bed while they fearfully await their captor's next move; Lexi's a luscious bare-breasted prisoner clothed in nothing but ropes and camo panties! To their dismay, Lexi and Ray endure more rigorous restraint when they lie hogtied and moaning under the eyes of the pitiless intruder!
Hayden Hawkens and Travis make the surprising discovery that some realtors aren't entirely honest -- and some are entirely dishonest! It's one of the latter who puts the unhappy couple in a bind from which they work diligently but futilely to free themselves! Tied together on a couch, Travis and Hayden twist vigorously while reaching out with bound hands to each other! Her lithe body nude and dominated by taut ropes, her lips sealed with pink tape, Hayden's an exceptional vision of femininity courageously battling restraint!
Right from the get-go, there's no question that evil-doers are in the building because there's sweet little Cassie Laine wriggling tied and tape-gagged in her nighty on top of a safe! Cassie doesn't have the combination, so the impatient bad guys must wait until her guy Aaron returns home; after he opens the safe, Aaron joins Cassie in bondage! Once they're alone, the spunky little prisoner uses her bare toes to work on Aaron's wrist ropes; unsuccessful in her efforts, Cassie slides onto the floor and continues to struggle against intractable ropework!
Presley Hart enjoys the sight of Wolf lying entangled in rope on a bed, his hands tied before him as he lies on his back, his feet lifted high and tethered to the bed's head-frame. But Presley's satisfaction turns to alarm when a malicious mastermind her to join Wolf in awkward captivity, her slender body deprived of clothing, her wrists tied separately to her ankles and her mouth taped! With Presley's bare feet and pussy inches from Wolf's face, it's difficult to tell if his cleave-gagged moans express pain or pleasure!