Kinberly is now walking on her slaves body in platform high heels! She tramples him really all of his body, from the head to the legs everywhere, in a very dinamic style... Sometimes she is standing on his head, jumping on his body, bouncing on his throat, and what is important; she is enjoying it too much!! So you wont be bored if you will watch this I guarantee! ;) This is not converted 3D, we recorded it with 3D Sony Cam! Side by Side technology, It is playable on every 3D Devices, passive and active glasses!
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Kinberly is now walking on her slaves body in platform high heels! She tramples him really all of his body, from the head to the legs everywhere, in a very dinamic style... Sometimes she is standing on his head, jumping on his body, bouncing on his throat, and what is important; she is enjoying it too much!! So you wont be bored if you will watch this I guarantee! ;) This is not converted 3D, we recorded it with 3D Sony Cam! Side by Side technology, It is playable on every 3D Devices, passive and active glasses!