Ich Werde Dich Auffressen! (I'm Gonna Eat You Up)
My Rating:
Category: Vore
Runtime: 4 minutes
Date Added: 12/18/2024


This is our first ever clip in German. To be fair, there's not that much talking in it so it can still be enjoyed by non-German speakers (In fact, it is very similar to our clip: Young German Girl Dangles You Above Her Big Mouth Before Eating You Whole)

There are lots of beautiful mouth close-ups and throat shots and Elina invites you to come closer to her mouth in a nice seductive tone (in German of course). Finally, you make your way all the way inside of her mouth where she swallows you down in one.

For more clips starring Elina including mouth fetish, foot fe...

Ich Werde Dich Auffressen! (I'm Gonna Eat You Up)

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