A girl is sitting on a couch reading. She’s dressed in a t-shirt, shorts and either flip-flops or shoes like were worn in Feet Eater. She has a small cross necklace. A knock at the door and a woman is standing there, says she wishes to speak with her about the red-stuff bank. This girl is wearing a top of some kind and a not too short skirt and also wearing shoes like in Feet Eater. She is invited in and as the
victim turns to lead the way, the vampire smiles hungrily.
They sit together on the couch and the vampire notices the book and says, Oh you’re reading about
A girl is sitting on a couch reading. She’s dressed in a t-shirt, shorts and either flip-flops or shoes like were worn in Feet Eater. She has a small cross necklace. A knock at the door and a woman is standing there, says she wishes to speak with her about the red-stuff bank. This girl is wearing a top of some kind and a not too short skirt and also wearing shoes like in Feet Eater. She is invited in and as the
victim turns to lead the way, the vampire smiles hungrily.
They sit together on the couch and the vampire notices the book and says, Oh you’re reading about
vampires. The victim answers oh yes, I find them so erotic and romantic.
The vampire laughs and says we’re kind of in the same business – acquiring red-stuff. Tell me more.
The victim eagerly tells all that she knows about vampires with the vampire occasionally asking
questions which leads into more information.
Some things to mention: vampires are powerful and mesmerizing, they fly, they like to drink from the
elegant necks of their victims. Vampires can only come out at night, rest in coffins during the day, are
repulsed by crosses worn around the neck.
'And do they eat their victims as well as drink their red-stuff?'
'Oh no, they can’t eat ANY meat. '
The vampire smiles and says, 'well you’re wrong because I’m going to eat you. ' And grabs the victim
and pulls her close. ' But I’m not powerful and I don’t cast spells, so' And she smothers the struggling
girl with her hands on her mouth and nose. The victim becomes unresponsive. (or she can be overcome some other way)
The vampire sizes her up, pleased that she is now out of it, strips her to her underwear (if this is
possible? Otherwise maybe have her wear a halter and shorts to begin with) She removes her shoes or
flip flips and ties her hands behind her back and her ankles together
The victim wakens while the vampire is finishing tying her feet and beginning to lick and nibble them,
very pleased with the taste. (The vampire has removed her shoes top be comfortable while she is
The victim groggily asks what’s going on and the vampire says I'm going to drain you and then eat you,
but first I’m going to enjoy tasting my dinner.
As she enjoys tasting, licking, nibbling and even sucking the flavor of the victim's feet and other parts of
her body, the vampire – between tastes - lets her victim now how much she got wrong, that she
doesn't fly; she drove. That crosses don't bother her, that it’s daytime, and that she naps in a nice
comfortable bed. The vampire is obviously enjoying the taste and the irony.
The victim struggles and pleads a little bit, the vampire smiles and gags her and then begins to feed:
sucking red-stuff from her feet first, then working her way to various veins on the victim’s body (maybe
including the inner thighs?), the victim moans decreasingly and becomes glaze-eyed.
The vampire finally moves to the neck smiles hungrily but somehow affectionately and says Bye-Bye (smiling sweetly), and finishes draining her. The victim becomes heavy limbed and the vampire continues drinking a minute until she is drained.
The vampire smiles hungrily, knowing that dinner will be next soon. She says thank you for your red-stuff
contribution and begins to drag her victim to the door and the screen fades to dark.