Alice plays an entrepeneur whose idea is to lab grow little people for mass consumption. The clip begins with Alice doing a TV spot trying to create awareness for her product and company 'Smallville Industries'. She explains that little people are almost extinct due to over consumption and her company has found a way to harvest them in the laboratory. she explains that they have been bred to perfection and they taste even better than the ones that can be found in the wild. She demonstates this by producing a tiny person, opening her mouth wide, extending her tongue out and lowering the pers...
Alice plays an entrepeneur whose idea is to lab grow little people for mass consumption. The clip begins with Alice doing a TV spot trying to create awareness for her product and company 'Smallville Industries'. She explains that little people are almost extinct due to over consumption and her company has found a way to harvest them in the laboratory. she explains that they have been bred to perfection and they taste even better than the ones that can be found in the wild. She demonstates this by producing a tiny person, opening her mouth wide, extending her tongue out and lowering the person into her mouth all the while smirking at the camera. She describes how delicious it is and lips her licks tempting the viewer to imagine a limitless supply. Then she closes with: Bringing the dream alive with Smallville industries.'
The clip then cuts to a laboratory where Alice has some protection goggles on. She is talking to the camera POV who is the head scientist in the laboratory. She asks how her little experiments are coming along and then she looks down just off camera and start toexamine them commenting on their physiques etc. She picks one up and eats it like before and scutinises and criticises it just like a taster. She then tries another. Camera switches to POV and she eats this one POV. She turns back to the scientist (again POV) and says that they are not quite there yet. Good but not worth her investment so far. She chastises the scientist and tells him he should do better. He explains that in order to make perfect little people, they need to be bred with someone with an extremely rare genetic anomaly. Alice makes the viewer aware that this is what the scientist has said. She orders him to find such a person within a week or be fired.
Next scene is Alice sitting in a chair, back to camera shoeplaying while on the phone. She asks the scientist how his search is going. She is furious that there is still nothing. She threatens to destroy him if he doesn't come up with the goods soon. She says she will see him on the deadline and he better come up with the goods.
Next scene is the deadline meeting. Alice is serious and asks the scientist what the results of his search are. She is not surprised at all that he doesn't have what she wants. A smirk comes across her face and she says that she had everyone in the labs DNA tested behind their backs from dna left on drink cans, food and cigraette stubs etc. She said, it turns out that what she is looking for is right there in the lab. One person has the rare genetic make up. She turns to someone off camera and says. Now, do it! Just then the screen starts shaking the camera gets lower signalling that the scientist is getting smaller and smaller. Alice laughs and tells him that finally she will be getting somethjing back for all the money she's been paying him. She tells him that she is going to breed him with the other little people. He protests and says that what she is doing is unethical. She reminds him that the very nature of her business is unethical and that he didn't seem to mind som much beforehand when he was getting paid lots of money. He still refuses and Alice says that she will find a way to persuade him. She scopps him up and takes him to a room and locks him in warning him that he will get nothing to eat until he compies. She comes back a day later and he still doesn't comply. She slips her shoe off and presses it agianst his body threatening to crush him if her doesn't. Next day, the same again except this time she ios more aggressive with her feet and plus threatens to eat him up for dinner tonight.
Next day same againStill he doesn't comply. Final day. She comes in and remarks that he is still non-compliant but that it doesn't matter anymore. She scoops him up and its back to the labaroratory. Alice has her goggles on again. She turns off camera and says to another scientist to take his DNA. We don't need him any more. We just need what's inside of him. He screams and she laughs telling him that he had his chance. she tells him that he will make her even richer than she is now and she licks her lips. He faents.
When he comes to. Alice is staring down at him. She says that they now have evrything they need from him and that he is no longer of use to her. He wants to know what he is till doing there. She tells him that he can serve one final purpose to her. She smirks, licks her lips, opens her mouthj and points at it. Just then he runs off and we can hear Alic laughing in the background. She comes looking for him. She walks by several times pausing and shoeplaing and saying that the plce is locked up and the only way out of there is down her throat. She comes to him and uses her foot to poke him, playing with him and pretending she doesn't know where he is. He changes hiding place and she fins him again pokingbhim with her foot. Then he runs off and she chases him around the room laughing and trying to stomp him before he collapses exhausted. She stands above him laughing and says GOT YOU! BEfore lowering her foor down on him and peersing down at him through the spaces between her toes and licking her lips telling him that she is going to enjoy eating him all up for her dinner and that he will be very expensive meal after all the money she has invested in him. Then the camera switches to a table where she is looming down at him teasing him with her big mouth and long tongue telling him repeatedly that she is going to eat him all up. Finally, she holds him abover her head, licks her lips and lowers him down and swallows.
The last scene is a TV spot. Saying. Find your dream job at Smallville Industries. Now looking for a new head of the scientific department after the last one unfortunately had to leave after years of loyal service. She smirks at the cmaera and licks her lips. The end.