Unter Den Fuessen Deiner Herrischen, Schwangeren Frau (Under Your Bossy Pregnant Wife's Feet)
My Rating:
Category: Foot Fetish
Runtime: 16 minutes
Date Added: 5/29/2024


(This clip is in German)

just because your wife is pregnant, she is no less demanding. In fact, quite the opposite. Now there you are evn lower in the family rankings than before. She complains that she is tired and you massage her nylon feet to try and appease her but nothing you can do seems to satisfy her and she is not shy with the degrading comments.

She gets so tired of your poor attempts that she makes you get down on the floor and massages her feet herself all over your face. She makes you take off her nylons and rubs her soles all over your face reminding you of y...

Unter Den Fuessen Deiner Herrischen, Schwangeren Frau (Under Your Bossy Pregnant Wife's Feet)

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