The two terrible Cynthia and Lea their slaves. They severely trample them under their heels, they jump on them without any pity. They finish bere feet, very pretty face standing, kick in the stomach. Cynthia and Lea really like to make suffer their slaves.
Les deux terribles Cynthia et Lea torturent leurs esclaves. Elles les pietines severement sous leur talons, elles leurs sautent dessus sans aucune pitie. Elles finissent pieds nus, tres jolie face standing, coup de pieds dans l'estomac. Cynthia et Lea aiment reellement faire souffrir leurs esclaves.
The two terrible Cynthia and Lea their slaves. They severely trample them under their heels, they jump on them without any pity. They finish bere feet, very pretty face standing, kick in the stomach. Cynthia and Lea really like to make suffer their slaves.
Les deux terribles Cynthia et Lea torturent leurs esclaves. Elles les pietines severement sous leur talons, elles leurs sautent dessus sans aucune pitie. Elles finissent pieds nus, tres jolie face standing, coup de pieds dans l'estomac. Cynthia et Lea aiment reellement faire souffrir leurs esclaves.