This was a custom Request, the name Nick is used: for your own custom: MsBiancaBaker .
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Hi. I'm nicks step-mommy. Allot of you have been asking me about his stroller and where I take him on stroller walks. So today I'm going to be talking about his stroller. What cloths I put him in when we go out. Where I take him on stroller walks. What I bring with us and how I treat him on stroller walks. For those of you who don’t know us this is baby Nick. He is an adult baby and yes, he is wearing a diaper. Nick was turned into a baby through the state’s regression program...
This was a custom Request, the name Nick is used: for your own custom: MsBiancaBaker .
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Hi. I'm nicks step-mommy. Allot of you have been asking me about his stroller and where I take him on stroller walks. So today I'm going to be talking about his stroller. What cloths I put him in when we go out. Where I take him on stroller walks. What I bring with us and how I treat him on stroller walks. For those of you who don’t know us this is baby Nick. He is an adult baby and yes, he is wearing a diaper. Nick was turned into a baby through the state’s regression program. I adopted him and now he lives with me and he lives like a baby 24/7. I’ll make a video on my journey adopting him later.
Baby are you ready to talk to everyone about your stroller? Oh, that’s right you can’t talk anymore because you’re a baby now so step-mommy will do the talking for us. No, you don’t want step-mommy to talk about you and your stroller? Sorry guys he’s being shy. He’s still not use to everyone seeing him wearing diapers and living like a baby. Awe does the baby not want people seeing you wearing diapers. Are you embarrassed you’re a baby now that has to wear diapers and get treated like a baby? You wear diapers now like a baby so you will ride in a stroller like a baby. play with your rattle like a good baby while step-mommy talks.
I got his stroller at They make special needs strollers just for adult babies. The stroller was about nine hundred dollars, but it has been totally worth it. It’s so easy to push him around on stroller walks. I wanted to get a stroller that looked just like a real baby stroller and made Nick feel like a baby when he’s ridding in it. The stroller has brakes for easy stop and go control. It has a canopy cover that comes up over his head when its super sunny outside. I usually put a bonnet on him on sunny days, so I rarely use the canopy but its great if you don’t have one available. The canopy cover also has a viewing window on top that is great for constantly watching your adult baby and making sure there behaving on the stroller walk. It also has a few side windows for your baby to peak out of and there great for playing peek a boo. Nick loves it when I play peek a boo with him. The stroller also comes with a five-point harness. I would recommend you getting a stroller with the five-point harness. It will make your adult baby feel like a baby. The diaper strap that comes up through the legs is designed to rest snuggly on the front of the diaper. Every time your adult baby moves there going to feel the diaper strap on the front of there diaper and it will constantly remind them that there wearing diapers and that there a baby now. When your adult baby looks down at the diaper strap it will give them a constant reminder to them of a real baby stroller and it will make them feel like a baby every time, they look down there and see it.
The stroller also comes with foot straps. There great for keeping your baby in the stroller when there being fussy over their regression treatment and want to get out. I also bought hand and feet restraints and locking mittens I use when were out to prevent nick from getting out of his stroller. It definitely helps when nicks fussy over his baby treatment. The mittens help with keeping nick from taking off the hand and foot restraints and it also helps prevent him from taking off his diaper or hurting himself.
The stroller also comes with a basket underneath. I usually keep his blanket down there and baby toys. I mainly just keep diapers down there. That way when were walking past people they’ll see the diapers and see nick wearing his diaper and realize he’s wearing diapers and those diapers are for him. I also carry his diaper bag with me wherever we go. I want everyone who sees us, sees the diaper bag, see that nicks is wearing a diaper and know that the diaper bag is for him.
I also bought a bunch of baby toys for nick to play with on stroller walks. Since he’s a baby now and wears diapers like a baby I only want him playing with toys his age. Rattle toys and toys with mirrors are great for stroller walks. They’ll make your adult baby feel like a baby when there playing with them. Mirror toys are great for reminding your adult baby that there wearing diapers and that there a baby now. They’ll be able to see themselves in the mirrors. They’ll constantly see themselves wearing diapers like a baby. Every time nick is fussy on stroller walks, I will hold up one of the baby mirror toys in front of him and make him look at his diaper. Ill tell him since he wears diapers like a baby, he’s going to ride in a stroller like a baby and get treated like a baby. I use the rattle as a soothing toy when he’s fussy. I’ll stop and talk to him like a baby while shaking his rattle toy.
I dress nick in baby cloths when we go out. I want him to feel like a baby when he’s out. I will dress him on his behavior that day. If he’s extremely fussy over his baby treatment then ill just put him in a diaper, T-shirt and bonnet so that everyone who sees him will see how big of a baby he is wearing diapers and riding in a stroller. If he’s not fussy ill usually just put him in a onesie or romper. I always make him wear a bib when we go out since he drools allot. I also make him suck on a pacifier the entire time were out. I won’t let him take it out unless he’s eating.
Diaper checks are a must during stroller walks. Nothing will make your adult baby feel like a baby when you’re checking their diapers in public. I like to set a diaper check timer for nicks diaper checks. I usually check his diaper every 5 minutes and I will always check his diaper in front of people. It makes him feel more like a baby when I do. When I check his diaper, I will announce his diaper check. I will say things like (alright baby it’s time to check your diaper like a baby) or (It’s time to check your diaper baby, You wear diapers now like a baby you will be diaper checked like a baby)
I like to take nick to places that constantly remind him that he’s a baby now that wears diapers like a baby. So Ill take him to the park, Zoo, Mall or Baby stores like babies r us and BuyBuyBaby. My favorite place to take him is buybuybaby. That’s where I buy his diapers, baby food and formula. I also let him pick out one baby toy every time we go if he’s been good on his stroller walk that day.
I like taking him down the diaper isle. Ill say things like (Look baby you wear diapers just like those diapers) or (Look at that baby on the package of diapers, your wearing diapers just like him. (Awe are you embarrassed you have to wear diapers and that you’re on the diaper isle with step-mommy and she’s making you look at the diapers you wear)
Things I like to say when were out on stroller walks. -Your wear diapers now like a baby so you will ride in a baby stroller like a baby -Awe does the baby not like the diaper strap snug against his diaper, does it make you look and feel like a baby,
-Awe is the baby embarrassed everyone is seeing you wear diapers
-Are you embarrassed step-mommy has to check your diaper like a baby
-You’re a baby now so were going to go to a baby storeI also have rules that he must follow at all times on the stroller walk. You can use these for your adult baby or make up your own rules. My rules for my baby are
Baby is not allowed to use the big boy potty. He is only allowed to use his diapers like a baby
Baby is not allowed to get out of his stroller unless step-mommy gets him out.
Baby is not allowed to use his big boy voice. He’s only allowed to say goo goo ga ga
Baby is not allowed to fuss over his baby treatment > Baby is not allowed to fuss over his diaper checks.
Baby is not allowed to touch his diaper
Baby must suck on a pacifier at all times unless step-mommy removes it.
Baby must wear whatever baby attire step-mommy puts him in.
If he disobeys any of the rules then Ill place him over my knee, pull down the back of his diaper and give him a bare handed spanking. I don’t care of people are watching me.
Another thing that is very common with first time diaper babies. For a couple of months you can expect your adult baby to diaper hump. If you stick to a strict punishment it should go away within a few months. Nick usually diaper humps in his stroller until he cums. When I change his diaper and I find cum in his diaper then I give him a bare bottom spanking and tell him hes being spanked because babies don’t get to cum in there diapers unless step-mommy says so. They go number 1 and number 2 in there diapers and not number 3.