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Keepin' It Classy! Pt 1: Tierra's Telephone Tickle!
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Tierra and Jola are pricey working girls, employed by the Sophisticated Ladies Service. When a client calls, looking to hire a classy lady, Tierra immediately volunteers herself and begins slandering the other girls. Rival, Jola, is within earshot and doesn't like being cut out of a potential pay day OR being trash-talked to a customer. So, while Tierra brags about how classy she is on the phone, the sexy brunette tickles her to make her lose her cool! Ribs, knees and nylon feet are all fair game and Jola is a heartless tickler! Tierra stutters, squirms, snickers and laughs out loud, leavin...

Keepin' It Classy! Pt 1: Tierra's Telephone Tickle!

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